Frighten - significado y definición. Qué es Frighten
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Qué (quién) es Frighten - definición

v. a.
Alarm, affright, terrify, dismay, intimidate, scare, shock with sudden fear.
¦ verb cause to be afraid.
?(frighten someone off) drive someone away by frightening them.
frightened adjective
frightening adjective
frighteningly adverb
1) (d; tr.) to frighten into (to frighten smb. into submission)
2) (d; tr.) to frighten out of (to frighten smb. out of doing smt.)
3) (misc.) to frighten smb. to death
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Frighten
1. You don't frighten me!
Johnny English (2003)
2. Because they frighten us.
Daryl Davis _ Klan We Talk _ Talks at Google
3. You can't frighten me.
Inclusion - Diversity, The New Workplace & The Will To Change _ Jennifer Brown _ Talks at Google
4. the things that frighten us.
Day in the Life Books _ Rick Smolan _ Talks at Google
5. No, it didn't frighten me.
Paranoik (1963)
Ejemplos de uso de Frighten
1. Gravel was an exception, when he said, Some of these people frighten me, they frighten me.
2. Talk of inequality would only frighten the middle classes.
3. "Zarqawi wants to show his power and frighten people.
4. He dismisses Chabot‘s attacks as feeble attempts to frighten voters.
5. "You can liquidate a person or you can frighten him.